Thursday, May 28, 2009

Phase 5 - paint and floors

Welcome to the new house. Move in day is in 2 days. Kate assembled and installed this new address plaque after the exterior was painted. We are changing the light fixture shortly.

New exterior paint and trim is now complete, along with all of the interior painting.

Living Room bay window... carpet to be removed shortly.

Master bedroom. Color is Cream. Light socket switches and sconce lighting on the left to be installed shortly.

This is the office. The color is Glamour... but looks like purple. GO KINGS!

Floors yet to be done, but the color of this guest bedroom is Koi Pond.

Dining room painted. Kitchen to the left.

Cabinets mostly installed but covered so the painting could be done.

here is the kitchen tile.... a little dusty from all the sanding and grout... but they look good. Kate told the tile experts to stand back and tiled the majority of the kitchen herself. Apparently, they were not doing it right. I was beaming with pride.

This bad boy needs some stainless steel polish but you are looking at our double drawer dishwasher. I think Kate stained it with her greasy fingers. I asked her to be careful hoisting it into place as I relaxed and took the picture. Supposed to save water and is more energy efficient. We are soooo 2009.

Here is the stove/oven... Countertops installed tomorrow.

Check out the hardwood floors... The carpet was pulled up, rotted wood replaced and a new stain applied. The color is spicy brown. We are heating things up.

Final coat!! next up... moving day!


  1. I can't believe how busy you guys have been! It looks great, and this is awesome that you are recording your progress. Can't wait to see it!

  2. Wow good job!! I used this how to video when I painted my walls was very helpful. Will visit again!!
